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Where in the World (Open Mature)

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Where in the World (Open Mature) - Page 7 Empty Re: Where in the World (Open Mature)

Post by Guest Thu Jan 06, 2011 5:55 pm

The two women knelt by the tub and exaimed Devi. Both shook their heads and as one rose to get a towel, the other helped Devi from the tub and then dug into a basket she had brought in and took out a jar of what looked to be the same sav that the prince had got from the doctor. She applied it to Devi's face gently and rubbed it in. The second woman returned with a large towel and began drying Devi off and drying her hair.

"You need to be more careful, my lady. Now that we are here if you need anything we will be at your service." They said noting about the scars on her back from being whipped. It was not their place. But the sav was again applied to them as some were now shrinking to very thin lines. Once she was dried off he women took her back into another room and had her sit down. The male servents were in the other room unpacking the prince's things. One of the women servents begin brushing Devi's hair. The other brings over her clothing.


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Where in the World (Open Mature) - Page 7 Empty Re: Where in the World (Open Mature)

Post by Xuxa_Rene Fri Jan 07, 2011 11:12 pm

Sitting there in the cooling water Devi shivered slightly when the women knelt down it was just not from the water though. She felt nervous about people touching her she was not used to it. She licked her lips as she watched one leave, she didn’t know what to think of these women they were so kind and helpful the prince had sent them, she had to smile at that, he really was making her life better.

As the cream was applied to her face she winced slightly as it was applied it didn’t really hurt but she was more embarrassed. She cocked her head to the side as she was dried but then nodded her thanks the prince wanted the ladies to help her and she didn’t want to offend them by refusing, she knew they had seen her scars but she kept silent as they applied the cream to her back. If they knew the prince they would know it wasn’t from him and that was all that mattered.

“I am a little clumsy I am not used to having a bath in a bathtub, normally it was in the river for me, not used to the slippery soap either” She smiled at the sound of them being there to help her. “Thank you I will try and remember that, to be honest, I am more used to being the servant then to be the one receiving the help”

The feeling of her head being brushed was a great feeling though and she felt herself closing her eyes and fully relaxing. She couldn’t believe the simple act of having her hair brushed felt.

She finally opened her eyes and looked at the woman brining in her clothes. “Thank you…” She paused “Oh my forgive me I do not know your names”

Female Number of posts : 8803
Age : 40
Location : Canada
Registration date : 2009-01-22

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Where in the World (Open Mature) - Page 7 Empty Re: Where in the World (Open Mature)

Post by Guest Sat Jan 08, 2011 3:06 pm

"No thanks necessary my lady. It is nice to have a lady to serve instead of just a man. We just clean his quarters and wash his clothes. Now we can have someone to talk to. They were all smiles and happy, they talked about things going on in the kingdom and the civilized lands that were good and bad. The two servent women were dressed in dresses that went to the floor not unlike what she use to wear. They looked at the clothing that Devi now had and grinned.

"You have caught the eye of the Prince. We were told by the guards at the Inn about you but had no idea that the prince had taken an intrest in you." Anna, how long has the prince been without a woman? The last one was that sex slave that had been given him as a gift wasn't it?

"Yes, that was two years ago. To bad she had been sent to kill him." Anna spoke matter of factly. They helped her dress in the simple outfit. "MMMMM yes he does have easy access. "He has treated you well?" Anna asked. "He is a very good man, not like alot of the spoiled royalty out there. He is loved by all."


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Where in the World (Open Mature) - Page 7 Empty Re: Where in the World (Open Mature)

Post by Xuxa_Rene Tue Jan 11, 2011 11:13 pm

Devi smiled at the ladies. “I will look forward to someone to talk to I spent many years in silence” She listened as they spoke, learning so much so quickly it made her smile. She looked at the dresses they were wearing, before she had outgrown hers that was about the size of hers.

When she looked at her dress she smile fingering it lightly. She looked up confused when the ladies said that the Prince had taken an interest in her “I thought I was just a servant to his majesty” She began to look a little nervous. “What does it mean that he has taken an interest in me?”

She looked down at her hands “In the inn I was a chamber maid, that’s where I got the scars from, beatings from mistakes” She licked her lips and let the ladies help her get dressed she looked over the dress “His Majesty gave this to me, I want to keep him happy, you two know him well, what I can do I don’t want to make him upset or angry:

Female Number of posts : 8803
Age : 40
Location : Canada
Registration date : 2009-01-22

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Where in the World (Open Mature) - Page 7 Empty Re: Where in the World (Open Mature)

Post by Guest Wed Jan 12, 2011 2:08 pm

The women chuckled when asked what they meant that he had taken an intrest in her. "The prince does not just take any woman to have sex with my dear." one said, "You have a good body, large tits and nice ass. That and what ever else he has found intresting about you." when asked what she could do to keep him happy, "Just keep doing what you have been and it will keep the prince happy." They made sure she was dressed and applied some perfume that they had brought and that her hair was looking good. The women then went about cleaning up the place and gathering clothes and bedding to wash. The men had unloaded the princes's personal things, his armor and other weapons. When they saw Devi they nodded their heads, acknowedgeing her and the went about making sure the Prince's things were put away before they left to unpack their things.


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Where in the World (Open Mature) - Page 7 Empty Re: Where in the World (Open Mature)

Post by Xuxa_Rene Thu Jan 13, 2011 12:06 pm

Wrinkling her brow as the ladies spoke she didn’t think she had a good body, it was riddled with scars and although they were fading, the years of not eating right had made her hair pale and dull not like the shiny hair that the two other women had. But she had to admit she did have large tits they had gotten in the way of chores when she was at the inn. She didn’t say anything though, she had only known abuse her whole life so compliments were new to her. She thanked them for the perfume. She looked in the mirror she had to admit she looked better, even with her face bruised, which she was certain the Prince would see and inquire and she would have to admit that she was a little clumsy.

When the ladies went around cleaning she didn’t know what to do she looked at the men with a bit of a deer in the headlights kind of look. She walked to the window and looked out the window. All of this was new to her, but she didn’t want to leave the room in case the Prince wanted her to stay there.

Female Number of posts : 8803
Age : 40
Location : Canada
Registration date : 2009-01-22

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Where in the World (Open Mature) - Page 7 Empty Re: Where in the World (Open Mature)

Post by Guest Thu Jan 13, 2011 5:24 pm

The prince got done with his business and headed back to his quarters. The prisoners would be brought before him and the commander of the fortress upon his return from the meeting of the barbarians. He would see to their quick trial and then the punishment that they all deserved. Yes he would enjoy handing down the punishment. As he entered his qurters, he saw everything was in order. His servents had done a good job and then he saw Devi and smiled but that was replaced by a frown as he saw her face.

He moved to her and took her chin in his hand and looked at the bruise. "How did this happened?" he asked. He doubted that his servents would have done anything like that. He could also tell that the two women servents had tended to her, as her hair was done up and she had perfume on as well. She looked very good, even with a bruise on her face.


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Where in the World (Open Mature) - Page 7 Empty Re: Where in the World (Open Mature)

Post by Xuxa_Rene Sun Jan 16, 2011 2:31 pm

Still standing at the window looking out it Devi found herself smiling. She smiled a lot now that the prince came into her life. She was near death when he had ridden in, and she knew that if he had been even a day later she probably would have been dead. He had arrived just in time though.

She thought back to what the ladies said. She knew that she had to keep the Prince interested in her. She of course would let the Prince do what ever he wanted. She wanted to please him and let him show her off if he wanted.

When he entered she turned and curtsied. She froze when he looked at her face.

“Tis nothing mi-lord I just slipped in the tub, the ladies helped me” She smiled. “I do love my dress, I wish to thank you.”

Female Number of posts : 8803
Age : 40
Location : Canada
Registration date : 2009-01-22

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Where in the World (Open Mature) - Page 7 Empty Re: Where in the World (Open Mature)

Post by Guest Sun Jan 16, 2011 6:03 pm

He gently moved a finger of the bruise. "Mmmmmm you must be more careful." he told her softly. She looked quite marvelous in the outfit. It was not the normal dress for a free woman, but he did not care. Those dresses got in the way, especially if they were for persons of wealth or royalty. Hs hand moved down from her face to her neck and then down to her chest and tits. "Come." he smiled again and turned, taking one of her hands.

He lead her outside and to the ramparts of the fortress that overlooked the barbarian lands. He stood there slipping a hand under the skirt to rest on her bare ass cheeks. The land beyond looked to be barren rock. In the distance a river could be seen flowing through the land. Along that river was the encampments of the barbarians. "A hostal looking land don't you think?" he asked her. "No one really knows what lays beyond. None of the civilized nations have ever been there and the prisoners that we have captured do not tell what lies out there. We will find out tommorow." he squeezed her ass cheeks.


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Where in the World (Open Mature) - Page 7 Empty Re: Where in the World (Open Mature)

Post by Xuxa_Rene Tue Jan 18, 2011 10:10 am

Feeling his finger on the bruise Devi closed her eyes and leaned into the touch. She nodded to his instruction. “I shall mi lord I promise” She looked up at him and smiled. She new that what she was wearing was not normal, both the servants had less revealing dresses, and she knew that a noble woman also wore different clothes but Devi preferred these type of clothes.

When he moved his hand down to her chest and tits she grinned and softly touched his arms. She looked up at him as he said come. She was a bit confused she really thought that she would just be left in his room. It seemed though that he had other plans so she gave him her hand and walked with him.

Walking outside she blinked in the sunlight then looked around at the land. She giggled feeling his hand on her bare ass, the ladies did seem to be right, and he seemed to have a fancy with her and her body.

She looked over the land and leaned more into his touch, as she listened to him she nodded. She yelped as he pinched her ass cheeks and turned to him. “Am I to come with you Sire?”

Female Number of posts : 8803
Age : 40
Location : Canada
Registration date : 2009-01-22

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Where in the World (Open Mature) - Page 7 Empty Re: Where in the World (Open Mature)

Post by Guest Tue Jan 18, 2011 7:09 pm

"Yes you will be going with me. I don't know how long these talks will take." He told her as he looked again out over the many tents that dotted the shores of the river. "Something does not feel right. Why so many here. if they are not here to make an attack, why so many." He would definately find out in the morning. His hand continued to move over her ass cheeks and give them a squeeze now and them.

He then took her back down the stairs from the battlements, down to the ground again. "Not much to do for now." he told Devi. A military fortress didn't have to much for civilians to do. Off duty soldiers gambled, or used the sex slaves that were available, and a couple other things to occupy their time. For the prince and Devi, there was not much they could do but relax. "What would you like to do?" he asked her.


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Where in the World (Open Mature) - Page 7 Empty Re: Where in the World (Open Mature)

Post by Xuxa_Rene Thu Jan 20, 2011 11:40 am

Nodding her head to the prince to show that she understood that she would be going with him. She had to wonder what sort of role she would have, but what ever the prince wanted she would do. She looked up at him as he spoke of all the tents. She cocked her head to the side. "Maybe the seek refuge?" She imeditally regreeted what she had said and dropped her head hoping that he had forgoten by the wat he was playing with her ass it seemed as if he hadnt heard her.

She walked with him nicely as he took her down the stairs. She licked her lips and looked up at him "I do not know your mejesty" She paused. "If you be sore I can give your back a rub, or we could walk around" She had a feeling that he would like to show her off, but why she did not know.

Female Number of posts : 8803
Age : 40
Location : Canada
Registration date : 2009-01-22

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Where in the World (Open Mature) - Page 7 Empty Re: Where in the World (Open Mature)

Post by Guest Sun Jan 23, 2011 2:44 pm

The prince listened to what Devi said. He raised a brow when she mentioned that perhaps the barbarians were seeking refuage. He shook his head at that idea. Why would the barbarians seek refuage. They had a vast land beyond the fortress. How large no one really knew. But the barbarians were not afraid of anything and they had given the civilized lands a good deal of grief over the last century. He smiled at Devi. "No I don't think that is what they want. But we will find out tommorow." he rubbed her ass cheeks.

He walked her around the fortress. One section a number of soldiers came and went, and at times women that were scantly clad emerged to go to another place and others left there to go to the brothal. They looked at the prince smiling and looked Devi up and down. The soldiers all looked Devi up and down with an intrest. The prince made sure that a good portion of her large tits were exposed.

After a while he lead her back to his quarters. Once there he moved behind her and freed her tits completely from her shirt. Kissing her neck, he ran his hands over hier tits squeezing them hard. "I think we will see how you like the other toys I have." He lead her to the bed chamber and then retrieved the bag that had the toys. Once in the bed chamber he again moved up behind her and squeezed her tits and pressed a finger into her left tit as he squeezed it. "Do you want to try it?" he asked her.


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Where in the World (Open Mature) - Page 7 Empty Re: Where in the World (Open Mature)

Post by Xuxa_Rene Mon Jan 24, 2011 10:23 am

Walking around the fortress with the Prince and with his hand on her ass Devi didn’t know how to react to the men staring at her, she smiled up at the Prince though. She wanted to make sure that he knew that she only had eyes for him.

She was kicking herself about thinking the barbarians wanted refuge she felt so stupid and resolved never to sound so stupid again. She was too busy yelling at herself that she didn’t realize where they were going until they made it back to his quarters.

She blinked a bit confused as he moved behind her and exposed her breasts she giggled slightly. As she felt his lips on her neck she whimpered. Then sighed softly as he started to play with her tits. “Mi Lord” She whispered and leaned in to him letting him have more access.

When he mentioned the toys her heart began to quicken. She nodded softly. “Sure your majesty” She said in response. She wasn’t completely sure what he was going to do, but she wanted to keep him interested.

Female Number of posts : 8803
Age : 40
Location : Canada
Registration date : 2009-01-22

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Where in the World (Open Mature) - Page 7 Empty Re: Where in the World (Open Mature)

Post by Guest Tue Jan 25, 2011 5:09 pm

The prince continued to squeeze her tits hard as he stood behind her. Yes he would enjoy showing her what the other toys would do to her. She was willing to try something else and he liked that. Though he had a feeling that she would be afraid abit when he brought the small daggers out to be used on her large tits. He removed her shirt and undid her skirt then stripped himself and again moved up behind her, presshing his hard cock against her ass cheeks, as he again reached around and squeezed her tits.

He continued to squeeze her tits as he kissed her neck and shoulders. "Well then my dear lets go see how you like them and what they will do to you." He moved her to the bed and opened the bag with the other toys in it. He took out the large rings that would fit over her tits and the two small needle daggers. These he sat on a small table by the bed. He also drew out another fake cock. "I might push this one up your ass as I fuck your pussy. We will see." he grinned as he eased her down on to the bed and moved onto it himself.


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Where in the World (Open Mature) - Page 7 Empty Re: Where in the World (Open Mature)

Post by Xuxa_Rene Wed Jan 26, 2011 7:06 pm

Devi whimpered sexually as he squeezed her tits she gently carrassed is arms as he did it. Her hope was that he would like that. She helped him get her undressed and as she was naked she shivered slightly but smiled up at him.

She felt his hard cock and moaned out. He seemed to always be horny but she didnt mind she actually enjoyed the stuff he did to her. And the ladies had made it all the better they had let her know that he must have seen her as special the way he was treating her.

She nodded when he said it was time for them to try the toys. She sat on the bed looking up at him as he pulled out the toys. Her eyes went big as saucers. "Your majesty"

She nodded as he explained to toys. She of course would try them and made no attempt to resist him as he pushed her down. Then smiled as he eased down on the bed too. "So where do oyu want me Mi lord" She never used his first name only names of honor and resepct.

Female Number of posts : 8803
Age : 40
Location : Canada
Registration date : 2009-01-22

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Where in the World (Open Mature) - Page 7 Empty Re: Where in the World (Open Mature)

Post by Guest Thu Jan 27, 2011 5:16 am

The prince grinned when she moaned out in pleasure. She was beginning to become more sensitive to his touch and the pleasures of having her tits squeezed and played with. As he bent down and claimed her lips for a deep and passionate kiss, he moved a hand down her body to her pussy and began rubbing it, then slipped a finger within to finger her now wet pussy. Soon that one finger was followed by a second as he broke the kiss and moved his head down to he tits to kiss and suckle on them.

His cock was hard and throbed with desire to fill her pussy. But first he was going to make sure she was ready to receive it. As he fingered her pussy and suckled on her tits, his other hand moved from one tit to the other squeezing them hard. Soon he moved up to the headboard of the bed and told her "Come straddle my legs, your back to me and ease your self down onto my cock."


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Where in the World (Open Mature) - Page 7 Empty Re: Where in the World (Open Mature)

Post by Xuxa_Rene Fri Jan 28, 2011 4:26 pm

Happy that she seemed to be pleasing the prince Devi moaned out louder as he continued. She eagerly kissed him back, she arched her back and crie ut as he started to rub her wet pussy. Her body responede to his touch and when he pushed in the second finger she gasped and bit into his shoulder.

As he directed her she straddled his legs and guided his cock into her tight moist warm pussy she wimpered and looked at him seeing if she was doing good as she started to move up and down.

Female Number of posts : 8803
Age : 40
Location : Canada
Registration date : 2009-01-22

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Where in the World (Open Mature) - Page 7 Empty Re: Where in the World (Open Mature)

Post by Guest Wed Feb 02, 2011 4:37 pm

As Devi lowered her self on his hard cock, he sucked in a deep breath, enjoying the feeling of her tight pussy sliding down over it. "Thats good my dear, very good." he kissed her neck and shoulders as he squeezed her tits hard. "It seems you are enjoying having my cock up in your pussy." As she began moving up and down on his cock, he nipped at her neck and shoulders with his teeth, "Yes you are keeping up nicely with my sexual appatite."

He pulled and pinched the nipples of her large tits, preparing them fro what was to come. "Now when I use one of the needle daggers on one of your tits I will continue to squeeze it." he squeezed her left tit hard and pressed a finger into it just below the nipple. "Are you sure you want to do this?" he asked her again. 'MMMMMMM you feel real good moving on my cock."


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Where in the World (Open Mature) - Page 7 Empty Re: Where in the World (Open Mature)

Post by Xuxa_Rene Thu Feb 03, 2011 4:50 pm

Hearing the Prince inhale deeply was all Devi really needed to hear to let her know that she was doing good. Then his words just added to the reassurance that she was doing good and pleasing him. She giggled as he kissed her sensitive neck, it seemed to be a tender spot for her that caused a strange sentation through out her body.

"I do love the feeling your majesty" She answered honestly. When he bit into her shoulders she arched and caused herself to slam down hard on his cock letting out a loud scream of pleasure. She was shaking and sweating but she didnt care.

As he started to pull and pinch hr nipples she gasped and readied herself to be stabbe. She nodded when he asked her if she was sure even if she wasnt sure after years of abuse how she would take to being stabbed for the prince she was willing to try anything.

Female Number of posts : 8803
Age : 40
Location : Canada
Registration date : 2009-01-22

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Where in the World (Open Mature) - Page 7 Empty Re: Where in the World (Open Mature)

Post by Guest Thu Feb 03, 2011 6:36 pm

The prince enjoyed hearing her moan and cry out her pleasure. "You keep enjoying that feeling my dear." he told her as he picked up one of the needle daggers. As he squeezed her left tit hard, he moved the metal blade over her tit, letting her feel the cool metal on her skin. He continued kissing her neck and shoulders as he moved it to her right tit and moved it around her tit and over her hard nipples.

"When I get ready to stab your tit I will tell you to slam yourself down hard on my cock and hold yoursself there." he told her he moved his free hand back to her left tit and squeezed it hard again and brought the dagger back over to it. He move the tip of the dagger to her tit just below the nipple.


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Where in the World (Open Mature) - Page 7 Empty Re: Where in the World (Open Mature)

Post by Xuxa_Rene Tue Feb 08, 2011 10:00 am

Feeling the needle dagger on her tit she gasped. she licked her lips and turned her face to him and kissed his lips softly she was ready for what ever he did to her. She continued to motion and moaned out, she hoped that he like her noises. She wanted him to know how much she enjoyed what he was doing and she hoped that he enjoyed it too.

Nodding to his instructions "I understand your Majesty" She licked her lips and ever so slightly picked up the pace on his cock. To see the reaction she would get from him.

Female Number of posts : 8803
Age : 40
Location : Canada
Registration date : 2009-01-22

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Where in the World (Open Mature) - Page 7 Empty Re: Where in the World (Open Mature)

Post by Guest Wed Feb 09, 2011 4:46 am

When she began picking up the pace a bit, he grinned and squeezed her left tit hard. Growling a bit, "Yes that's good my dear. You are learning more and more." Again he ran the dagger over both her tits and their nipples, letting her feel the thing that would soon pierce the flesh of one of her tits. "Now there is two ways to do this." he told her. "The first is to stab your tit fast and hard when I am about to fill you with my cum. The second is to do it slowly while I either fuck your pussy or your ass."

He kissed her neck some more and then continued. "Today I will stab your left tit fast and hard. Later we can explore the other way. We will see how well you take having your tit stabbed first." he again brought the dagger up to her left tit just below it's nipple. He felt himself getting ready to release his load, "Prepare yourself. Now slam yourself down hard on my cock and hold yourself there." he told her as he squeezed her tit hard and plunged the dagger into it hard. His cock pumped her pussy full of his hot cum and he growled out his pleasure.


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Where in the World (Open Mature) - Page 7 Empty Re: Where in the World (Open Mature)

Post by Xuxa_Rene Wed Feb 09, 2011 11:58 am

Hearing the Prince growl made Devi's heart soar. He seemed to like wht she was doing so she continued it fast and hard she moaned out softly as he squeezed her tit and ran the sharp dagger on it. She shifted slightly to cause his cock to hit new regions when she did that she screamed out in pleasure she was panting and could barely hear what he was saying but simply nodded and hoped that was the answer he was looking for.

She did hear him tell her to ram herself down and hold herself so she did that and as he stabbed the nipple she screamed out loudly and found her release at the same time she was shaking and panting, she could not form a proper thought in her head nor could she even open her eyes. She wondered if it was as good for him as it was for her.

Female Number of posts : 8803
Age : 40
Location : Canada
Registration date : 2009-01-22

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Where in the World (Open Mature) - Page 7 Empty Re: Where in the World (Open Mature)

Post by Guest Fri Feb 11, 2011 5:46 am

The prince held her back against him as he finished pumping his hot cum up into her pussy. He held the dagger handle and squeezed her left tit some. "That was very good." he said breathing a bit hard. "You took that very well my dear." he kissed her neck and then lifted her left tit up some so she could see the dagger handle. He then moved her left hand up to hold the dagger handle and slowly slid her off his lap, to sit next to him on the bed.

"What do you think my dear. Did you like how it felt when the dagger was plunged into your tit?" he asked her and squeezed her right tit hard. He moved an arm about her and took her left tit in his left hand and squeezed it slightly and then a bit harder, as he continued to squeeze her right one. He then leaned over and kissed her cheek and then her lips gently.


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