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A students lesson (DragonMaster Pyro)

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A students lesson (DragonMaster Pyro) - Page 14 Empty Re: A students lesson (DragonMaster Pyro)

Post by DragonMaster Pyro Tue Oct 27, 2009 2:29 am

"Your birthday?" Draque repeated, thinking for a minute. He smiled at his thought. "How about a piercing?" He said to her, kissing her gentle skin.

DragonMaster Pyro

Male Number of posts : 876
Age : 35
Registration date : 2009-01-21

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A students lesson (DragonMaster Pyro) - Page 14 Empty Re: A students lesson (DragonMaster Pyro)

Post by Xuxa_Rene Tue Oct 27, 2009 10:10 am

Savannah smiled "A piercing?" She asked attempting to sound innocent. "What would you have me pierce?" She sighed as he kissed her skin, his touch made her melt and she wondered how she was going to be able to focus in school staring up at him the whole time. But he would have to focus too, they would just have to get out of it.

Female Number of posts : 8803
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A students lesson (DragonMaster Pyro) - Page 14 Empty Re: A students lesson (DragonMaster Pyro)

Post by DragonMaster Pyro Wed Oct 28, 2009 2:25 am

Draque snickered. "I don't know... Your tight clit, maybe your nipples, a naval piercing. We'll find out." He teased back. His hands softly holding her chin.

DragonMaster Pyro

Male Number of posts : 876
Age : 35
Registration date : 2009-01-21

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A students lesson (DragonMaster Pyro) - Page 14 Empty Re: A students lesson (DragonMaster Pyro)

Post by Xuxa_Rene Wed Oct 28, 2009 8:29 am

Savannah winked. "I heard girls having their clit peiced can have a orgasim just walking is that true?" She leaned into his touch as a kitten turns in to a scratch. "But I let you choice professer" She drawled out.

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A students lesson (DragonMaster Pyro) - Page 14 Empty Re: A students lesson (DragonMaster Pyro)

Post by DragonMaster Pyro Thu Oct 29, 2009 2:36 am

Draque smiled. "Girls who have thier clit pierced do get a lot of orgasms. But it's depending on what type of piercing. If you want, we can put a barbell in that small little clit of yours. And if its small the slightest movement will make you aroused. The orgasm comes from what you do with the arousle after." He explained.

DragonMaster Pyro

Male Number of posts : 876
Age : 35
Registration date : 2009-01-21

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A students lesson (DragonMaster Pyro) - Page 14 Empty Re: A students lesson (DragonMaster Pyro)

Post by Xuxa_Rene Thu Oct 29, 2009 2:31 pm

Savannah smiled "Well how will that work what if I get aroused at school" She raised an eyebrow "But then again you would like that, having your pet scrimming uncomfortably in school, having to suffer through 8 hours before I could finish myself off wouldnt you?" She kissed his lips pusing in her tongue then moved away. "How about for my birthday you peice yourself, I heard that men with periced strocum peiced please the girls more. What do you think about it?"

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A students lesson (DragonMaster Pyro) - Page 14 Empty Re: A students lesson (DragonMaster Pyro)

Post by DragonMaster Pyro Thu Oct 29, 2009 6:35 pm

Draque pondered. "I'll compromise. If you want to go the peircing route, for you. I'll pierce my cock, right through the scrotum. I could also just buy you a toy and we can forget about the piercing, that is until my birthday." He said trying to give her the options. "And wether its metal through your clit or a hiddent dildo in your snach. I will wach you squirm for sex during class. Its all you deserve for making me so hard while I try to teach." He said eroticaly.

DragonMaster Pyro

Male Number of posts : 876
Age : 35
Registration date : 2009-01-21

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A students lesson (DragonMaster Pyro) - Page 14 Empty Re: A students lesson (DragonMaster Pyro)

Post by Xuxa_Rene Fri Oct 30, 2009 12:51 am

Savannah smiled "Do you mean one of those small vibrating ones?" She whispered "It can be burried deep into my snatch or attached to my little clit" She giggled. "Mmmm I will have to see abut that now, I have a little time until my birthday so I will think about it" As he talked on she giggled. "Why do I get the feeling you are going to give me a lot of dentions? Should I come in late each class so you have a reason too?" She teased.

Female Number of posts : 8803
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A students lesson (DragonMaster Pyro) - Page 14 Empty Re: A students lesson (DragonMaster Pyro)

Post by DragonMaster Pyro Fri Oct 30, 2009 2:33 am

Draque smiled as she talked on. "I won't need to give you to many detentions. I can just make you a teacher assisstant. Or at least say you are. No one will expect us to be fucking in my closet." He said as he softly stroked her sides. "Its late and we have school tommorow. Come in tommorow dressed how ever you like. We wont be staying at the school very long." Draque rose from the tub that was now luke warm. He grabbed a towel and started to dry off.

DragonMaster Pyro

Male Number of posts : 876
Age : 35
Registration date : 2009-01-21

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A students lesson (DragonMaster Pyro) - Page 14 Empty Re: A students lesson (DragonMaster Pyro)

Post by Xuxa_Rene Fri Oct 30, 2009 10:56 am

Savannah grinned. "Mmmm so a TA huh" She leaned forward and gently bite into the tenderflesh of his neck. She giggled. "Ohhh thats right you closet is soundproof isnt it?" As he told her that it was time to leave she frowned but she knew it was true they did have to get ready for the next day of school, well the next week really. She drained the tub then stood and towled herself off she winced slightly. "Mmmm I think I am going to be stiff tommrow"

Female Number of posts : 8803
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A students lesson (DragonMaster Pyro) - Page 14 Empty Re: A students lesson (DragonMaster Pyro)

Post by DragonMaster Pyro Fri Oct 30, 2009 11:34 am

"Thats because you made me stiff a couple times today." Draque joked meaning his penis. "You'll be fine, its like a game soar. Kepp off it for a day and we'll going at it in no time. Then you just become less and less sore." He said as too toweled himself off and walked through the hallway to where they got undressed. Draque slowly started to dress himself.

DragonMaster Pyro

Male Number of posts : 876
Age : 35
Registration date : 2009-01-21

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A students lesson (DragonMaster Pyro) - Page 14 Empty Re: A students lesson (DragonMaster Pyro)

Post by Xuxa_Rene Fri Oct 30, 2009 12:00 pm

Savannah slowly followed Draque to the room and dressed herself. This time in a pair of thin capri style pj pants and a tank top. She wrapped her arms around his wasit and stroked his sides. "Well I guess I will see you tommrow" She paused "I think for now I am just going to get something to eat then do my homework for my other classes then I am going to get some sleep" She smiled. "See you tommrow....Sir"

Female Number of posts : 8803
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A students lesson (DragonMaster Pyro) - Page 14 Empty Re: A students lesson (DragonMaster Pyro)

Post by DragonMaster Pyro Fri Oct 30, 2009 12:08 pm

Draque wrapped his arms around her waist and squeezed her tight ass. "Yes I will see you tommorow." He replied fallowed by a deep kiss. As he broke away from her he gave her a good spank. Draque promtly left for the day.

DragonMaster Pyro

Male Number of posts : 876
Age : 35
Registration date : 2009-01-21

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A students lesson (DragonMaster Pyro) - Page 14 Empty Re: A students lesson (DragonMaster Pyro)

Post by Xuxa_Rene Fri Oct 30, 2009 12:25 pm

Savannah kissed him back and sighed as he broke it. Her lips were puckered and red. She jumped and yelped as he spanked her. Then wished him a fairwell and when he left she went down to the kitchen and made herself something to eat sitting down at the table thinking about the past weekend. She took a few asprin with her milk to ease the achs in her body.

Then moved on to her other classes homework and finally back to her bed, and climbed into the sheets dirty as they were they smelled of the weekend and that she didnt mind. She soon was fast asleep

Female Number of posts : 8803
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A students lesson (DragonMaster Pyro) - Page 14 Empty Re: A students lesson (DragonMaster Pyro)

Post by DragonMaster Pyro Sat Oct 31, 2009 6:35 pm

The next morning Draque woke up happier and ready to teach. He dressed himself and picked a nice tie. Today he planned to dress his little sex pet in aperal of his chosing. He was happier knowing she was his and only his, and today she was going to benifit in a rich master.

DragonMaster Pyro

Male Number of posts : 876
Age : 35
Registration date : 2009-01-21

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A students lesson (DragonMaster Pyro) - Page 14 Empty Re: A students lesson (DragonMaster Pyro)

Post by Xuxa_Rene Sun Nov 01, 2009 9:05 am

Savannah woke up very stiff. She cried out. Then slowly stood and limped over to the bathroom and ran herself a very hot shower and let the water cascade down her body to relax the muscles. After washing herself. She stepped out and dryed then dressed, a thong, a push up bra, mini skirt and tank top with a thin sweater on top of it, grabbed her homework and went off to school. She was disapointed to find that she didnt have Draque until last period but as she closed her locker door the principal was there looking down at her. "Miss Baker, it is not Halloween so why are you dressed like a hocker" Savannah looked up at him and had to hold back the tears. "I...uhhh' but by this time princpal had already wrote her a dention slip. "And if you are not changed by first bell you are suspened. Savanah looked up at him. "I dont have anything" The princpal looked at her "Then suspened you are" handing her another peice of paper. Savannah took it and tore to Draques room she was near tears. "Look what the princpal just gve me" She handed him the suspension form. "I am suspeend over my utfit..." She looked up at him. "She called me a hocker"

Female Number of posts : 8803
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A students lesson (DragonMaster Pyro) - Page 14 Empty Re: A students lesson (DragonMaster Pyro)

Post by DragonMaster Pyro Sun Nov 01, 2009 8:13 pm

"Calm yourself." Draque said rubbing her arm. "Your the nice girl remeber? You just need to learn how to lie. First you need to het a story strait. You had no other clothing at home, so you woar your 'date' clothes. You'll still get suspended in those clothes. So go into my closet, theres a box of stage clothing. Most of it is just old button ups from our musical. There should also be a pair of sweats, just throw them other your skirt. Then you need to go back into the principles office and ask politely tell him the story. Avoid seduction, I don't think he's a pervert. I don't know him to well, but still better to assume he isn't then to have him think your a whore. If you still are in trouble you will need to just go with the suspension. If that happens wait in my car until school is out."

DragonMaster Pyro

Male Number of posts : 876
Age : 35
Registration date : 2009-01-21

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A students lesson (DragonMaster Pyro) - Page 14 Empty Re: A students lesson (DragonMaster Pyro)

Post by Xuxa_Rene Mon Nov 02, 2009 12:10 am

Savannah nodded and took deep breaths trying to calm down. She smiled at his rubbed her arms. He had a way of calming her down. She gulped and swallowed hard then nodded again. “I could always say I thought it was dress up day, or I was trying out for the cheerleaders.” She chewed her bottom lips and walked into the closet smiling of what this room was made for then slipped on a pair of sweats and came back out,, to herself she felt ugly but she still looked hot. She walked over to him, making sure to be careful cause they were in puplic and she didn’t want him to be fired. “Thank you professor Draque” She smiled and winked at him and walked out the room.

She walked to the principals office and was seen right away she walked up to the principal and sat down. “I found some extra clothes” The prinipal looked her over. “Miss Baker I am surprised, you were such a good girl” Savannah took a deep breath. “I know, I was just wanting to try out for the cheerleading squad, but I guess it wasn’t meant to be” She sighed. “Please I have perfect attendence record from kindergarden to grade `12” She decided to play the sympathy card as the tears whelled up. “Please let me pick up garbage during lunch, but please don’t let my prefect record go out the window cause I thought I could join the cheer leaders.” She looked up at him with pleading eyes, making sure not to use the same eyes that she used on Draque for that would most defitaly end her expelled. She hoped that he would give her break.

(Was hoping you would play the principal and decide if her prefect record is blown or if she gets off)

Female Number of posts : 8803
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A students lesson (DragonMaster Pyro) - Page 14 Empty Re: A students lesson (DragonMaster Pyro)

Post by DragonMaster Pyro Tue Nov 03, 2009 2:32 am

The principle rolled his eyes and took her suspension paper. "Your not realy going for cheerleading. I know you have a perfect record." He slowly looked at her. "I don't necesarily aprove of your new attire, but it's better then that hooker outfit. So tonight go home and find more suitible clothing." He said as he tore the slip. "Your done here."

DragonMaster Pyro

Male Number of posts : 876
Age : 35
Registration date : 2009-01-21

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A students lesson (DragonMaster Pyro) - Page 14 Empty Re: A students lesson (DragonMaster Pyro)

Post by Xuxa_Rene Tue Nov 03, 2009 1:20 pm

Savannah was holding her breath as the principal looked her over and sighed softly as he gave her a reprive she smiled. "I will Sir, thank you" She picked up her back and ran out the door to make it intime for her frist class, she didnt have time to check in with Draque first so she instead went to her first class then after the teacher had given her lecture she requested a bathroom pass.

Hallway pass in hand she walked down Draques hallway seeing the door open she purposly walked slowly pass it then continued walking to see if he was going to follow her or not.

Female Number of posts : 8803
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A students lesson (DragonMaster Pyro) - Page 14 Empty Re: A students lesson (DragonMaster Pyro)

Post by DragonMaster Pyro Wed Nov 04, 2009 6:27 pm

As she walked by, Draque was in a class. He was teaching his psych class to the freshmen. He caught Savannah in the corner of his eye. He did want to chase her, but he knew his plan worked. He knew she wasn't going anywhere, so he kept on with his lesson.

DragonMaster Pyro

Male Number of posts : 876
Age : 35
Registration date : 2009-01-21

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A students lesson (DragonMaster Pyro) - Page 14 Empty Re: A students lesson (DragonMaster Pyro)

Post by Xuxa_Rene Wed Nov 04, 2009 8:06 pm

Savannah knew that Draque had seen her but he seemed busy so she simply went to the bathroom and washed her face then returned to her class. The day seemed to drag on, finally it was lunch time she went to the cafe got herself a meal then sat down at one of the tables and opened up her binder for her next class she was hunched over and her IPOD was on so she would not hear anyone apporching. She was too focused on her math with she kept erasing and growing more and more frustrated with.

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A students lesson (DragonMaster Pyro) - Page 14 Empty Re: A students lesson (DragonMaster Pyro)

Post by DragonMaster Pyro Fri Nov 06, 2009 7:25 pm

A hand grabbed her shoulder, it was the principle. He pulled an ear plug and softly spoke to her. "I spoke to Professor Draque. You have his class last and there for will help him after school. This should be punishment enough. Do everything he tells you to." The principle said as he walked away.

DragonMaster Pyro

Male Number of posts : 876
Age : 35
Registration date : 2009-01-21

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A students lesson (DragonMaster Pyro) - Page 14 Empty Re: A students lesson (DragonMaster Pyro)

Post by Xuxa_Rene Sat Nov 07, 2009 12:13 am

Savannah nearly leaped out of her skin when a hand grabbed her shoulder. As the principal spoke she nodded. And watched him leave. She stiffened her smile though in case anyone was watching her she kept her sullen look and simply peered over her homework still stuggling with the math and place the other earphone in her ear.

So her punisment would be dealing with Professor Draque she wondered what he hand in mind. But whatever it was she had a feeling she would have welts on her sore ass.

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A students lesson (DragonMaster Pyro) - Page 14 Empty Re: A students lesson (DragonMaster Pyro)

Post by DragonMaster Pyro Mon Nov 09, 2009 2:34 am

Soon it was time for Draque's class, and he had just heard the news of her detention. His eyes looked at Savannah as she walked into class, still wearing her dirty varrowed clothes.
"Okay today we will go over what we learned yesterday and review for the test." And so they did. The class went by quick, and soon Draque and Savannah were alone.
"Take those rags off and lets head to the closet." He said as he got up from his chair.

DragonMaster Pyro

Male Number of posts : 876
Age : 35
Registration date : 2009-01-21

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