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The New Guy.

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The New Guy. - Page 3 Empty Re: The New Guy.

Post by Silver Fang Tue Aug 18, 2009 6:32 am

Tien smiles and says, "If you like this palce you will love the next place we are going to. It's high but the view is the same. It is called the Dragon's Tower." Tien flows over and above the clouds like it is nothing and then he points ahead. "There it is the Dragon's Tower." He looks back at Relyk. "I need you to crawl over to my base of my neck and hang over the side. You need to stay out of sight I don't know who is there at the time. And not all Dragons are lovers off humans elves or anything else that ain't an dragon."
Silver Fang
Silver Fang

Male Number of posts : 3421
Age : 33
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Registration date : 2009-04-18

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The New Guy. - Page 3 Empty Re: The New Guy.

Post by Nyako-Chan Tue Aug 18, 2009 7:19 am

"Oh, all right then," she responded as she crawled over to the base of his neck and hung over the side. She would understand that not all dragon's would be.....fond of humans or creatures that weren't their own kind. Well, maybe they were, but a different kind of fond. Like fond as in; food. That....would never be good.

Female Number of posts : 4355
Age : 29
Location : Alicante, Idris
Registration date : 2009-01-04

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The New Guy. - Page 3 Empty Re: The New Guy.

Post by Silver Fang Tue Aug 18, 2009 11:00 am

Tien Landed on one of the levels of the tower. He before he closed his wings he sweeps Relyk in between his wing and body and walks around the tower. He stops after seeing an dragon he was hoping he would never see. This dragon was pure evil. He was the ruler of the volcanos and his favorite treat was Human. His name was Yofune. He was known for his outrages acts and crimes againist humans. Tien walked by him and ignored him. Then Yofune looks at him and says, "I haven't seen you scince I chased you out of China." Tien glares at him and keeps walking. He gets to the top of the tower and drops Relyk out of his wing. "We can't stay here any longer then tomorrow morning." He Curls into an ball as his dragon form.
Silver Fang
Silver Fang

Male Number of posts : 3421
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Registration date : 2009-04-18

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The New Guy. - Page 3 Empty Re: The New Guy.

Post by Nyako-Chan Tue Aug 18, 2009 5:05 pm

Relyk kept perfectly still and absolutely silent as he walked through the Dragon Tower. She heard him conversing with someone, and was kind of curious who it had been, but it wasn't like she could say anything about it. When he let her out of the hold in his wing, she nodded to his statement, understanding his reason for not wanting to stay longer then the morrow's morning. "Got it," she said, sitting down and relaxing from the day's rough work.

Female Number of posts : 4355
Age : 29
Location : Alicante, Idris
Registration date : 2009-01-04

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The New Guy. - Page 3 Empty Re: The New Guy.

Post by Silver Fang Tue Aug 18, 2009 5:39 pm

Tien looked at her and says, "Bundle up it is extremely cold the wind and tempeture up here is diffrent form way down their." He looks over his shoulder as he spreads his wings hiding Relyk. An huge Silver Dragon looks at Tien. The dragon smiles and says, "You are just like your mother." Tien closes his wings and says, "Father you smelt her didn't you." His father smiles and says, "You know that I am an true dragon with the power to change both me and your mother had that power. Unfoturnelty that makes our son more human then Dragon." He smiles at Relyk. "He will take care of you. But watch your back Tien. Yofune hates it when you ignore him and might try to fight you." Tien looks at his father. "I can't fight with this girl on with me it would be too easy for her to get killed." His father smiles. "I can keep him busy against his wishes but you have to leave at dawn." Tien smiles at his father as they both circle Relyk and lay down basically hiding her form anything that might come up to try and see her.
Silver Fang
Silver Fang

Male Number of posts : 3421
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The New Guy. - Page 3 Empty Re: The New Guy.

Post by Nyako-Chan Wed Aug 19, 2009 5:34 am

Not like she could bundle up. Her clothes were just normal-looking civillian clothes, or so they appeared. They were her travelling and somewhat fighting gear, so they could look normal, but were used for various other things. Relyk didn't know what had happened when he had opened his wings but then shut them when another voice penetrated the partial silence. SHe watched the dragon's 'father' converse with his son, and when the older dragon turned and spoke to her, about Tien being able to take care of her, she just nodded to show she listened and got it. The two circled her, which made her curious and start to wonder, but when she got that they were blocking her, she accepted it and looked at both in wonder.

Female Number of posts : 4355
Age : 29
Location : Alicante, Idris
Registration date : 2009-01-04

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The New Guy. - Page 3 Empty Re: The New Guy.

Post by Silver Fang Wed Aug 19, 2009 7:52 am

Tien smirks at his father. "She is a strange one though. She isn't full human. And she has the attitude to prove it." Tien's father was looking her over when he noticed something on Tien. "So you have gotten another scar. She isn't the reason you got that is she." He looked down at her and says, "I don't care to much when he risk his on life for anybody but he dose it anyway." Tien looks at his father swinging his tail in fornt of Relyk. "It is not her fault. Those dragon slayers found me again and they were ready for me. We should go to sleep we have to leave early." He lowered his head and covered Relyk with his wing. "That should keep you warm."
Silver Fang
Silver Fang

Male Number of posts : 3421
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Registration date : 2009-04-18

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The New Guy. - Page 3 Empty Re: The New Guy.

Post by Nyako-Chan Wed Aug 19, 2009 2:31 pm

She was instantly warmer when he put his wing over her. "Thanks," she said, sighing from their 'excursion' because it had drained her some what. Even if she was all right from it, that didn't mean it was effortless. Far from it, actually. She was grateful for the warmth, because the chill had begun to creep past her defensive/travelling gear. She curled herself tight into a ball to keep the warmth to her body, feeling the fatigue slip from her body.

Female Number of posts : 4355
Age : 29
Location : Alicante, Idris
Registration date : 2009-01-04

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The New Guy. - Page 3 Empty Re: The New Guy.

Post by Silver Fang Thu Aug 20, 2009 7:03 am

Tien laid his head down so that it was right in front of his tail. He whisper under his breath to Relyk. "He likes you he just isn't happy with me right now so ignore the stare he might give you and get some sleep." After that Tien closes his eyes and goes to sleep. With his head covering Relyk form the wind.
Silver Fang
Silver Fang

Male Number of posts : 3421
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The New Guy. - Page 3 Empty Re: The New Guy.

Post by Nyako-Chan Thu Aug 20, 2009 11:26 am

"All right, I understand, Tien," she whispered backed. SHe layed her head down and closed her eyes, letting the day's tiredness take her consciouness over. With his wing covering her from the wind so she didn't cold, she felt safe. As safe as a half-elf could feel in a tower full of dragons, anyway.

Female Number of posts : 4355
Age : 29
Location : Alicante, Idris
Registration date : 2009-01-04

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The New Guy. - Page 3 Empty Re: The New Guy.

Post by Silver Fang Thu Aug 20, 2009 3:32 pm

Tien woke up the next morning. Relyk as if she was still sleep so he didn't move. He didn't want her to catch the draft of the frezzing wind. He lifted his wing to make sure she was still there. When he sees her he says, "Hey wake up. We have to get moving." He huffs some warm smoke at her. Just to give her some more warmth and to wake her up.
Silver Fang
Silver Fang

Male Number of posts : 3421
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The New Guy. - Page 3 Empty Re: The New Guy.

Post by Nyako-Chan Thu Aug 20, 2009 6:04 pm

She was awake as soon as he had told her to wake up, but she did like and appreciate the warm smoke he blew at her. It warmed her up more since heat had begun creeping away. She stood up and stretched, brushing herself off afterwards. "We're going now, correct?" she asked, looking around in case there could possibly other dragons around, even though he would know.

Female Number of posts : 4355
Age : 29
Location : Alicante, Idris
Registration date : 2009-01-04

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The New Guy. - Page 3 Empty Re: The New Guy.

Post by Silver Fang Thu Aug 20, 2009 9:00 pm

Tien smiles at Relyk and says, "Yeah we leave now. Some how we have even managed to get up before my fathe so we can just take off in the direction of the my tower. The Celestrial Kingdom." He stands up using his tail to keep the cold wind from hitting Relyk. "Climb onto my neck. We are going to have to find you some more clothing so when we are in high altitudes you don't get so cold." He huffs some more warm smoke her way. "I aplogize if it dosen't smell to good. It is coming form the mouth of an dragon." He smirks and lowers his neck for her to climb on too.
Silver Fang
Silver Fang

Male Number of posts : 3421
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Registration date : 2009-04-18

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The New Guy. - Page 3 Empty Re: The New Guy.

Post by Nyako-Chan Fri Aug 21, 2009 7:52 am

She climbed onto his neck, agreeing when he said they would need to find her wamer clothes. She wasn't exactly accustomed to cold climates, or the high altitudes they'd be going up in, since she normally stuck to towns, villages, or the forest. Those were always warm. But she didn't complain when she was cold. She just didn't like it as much as being warm. She liked the hot smoke he kept blowing at her to keep her body temperature up. "It's an all right smell," she answered. "I'm getting used to it, and I'd rather be warm," she said.

Female Number of posts : 4355
Age : 29
Location : Alicante, Idris
Registration date : 2009-01-04

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The New Guy. - Page 3 Empty Re: The New Guy.

Post by Silver Fang Fri Aug 21, 2009 10:20 am

Tien didn't even flap his wings he just jumped off and dived straight down and then he opens the wings and lets the wind fill the up under his wings and he comes swooping back up and then flies into the sunlight and let it heat his and Relyks body. "The sunlight should keep us both warm."
Silver Fang
Silver Fang

Male Number of posts : 3421
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The New Guy. - Page 3 Empty Re: The New Guy.

Post by Nyako-Chan Fri Aug 21, 2009 5:57 pm

She felt as the wind flew past her as he dived straight down. The sunlight that they basked in felt good. Because it was sort of a natural heat source rather than the warm smoke created by him. Both felt good, but sunlight felt.....mor direct. Hard to explainm kind of.

Female Number of posts : 4355
Age : 29
Location : Alicante, Idris
Registration date : 2009-01-04

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The New Guy. - Page 3 Empty Re: The New Guy.

Post by Silver Fang Sat Aug 22, 2009 8:06 am

Tien flew for almost four hours before turning to check up on Relyk. He turns to see her basking in the sunlight on his back and says, "Are you hungry?" He waits to see if she was even awake it didn't even look like she had moved the whole time except for when the wind was blowing her hair and clothing around.
Silver Fang
Silver Fang

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The New Guy. - Page 3 Empty Re: The New Guy.

Post by Nyako-Chan Sat Aug 22, 2009 1:22 pm

"Hm? Oh, food. Yes, I suppose I am," she said, hoping he wasn't going to suggest meat or anything that involved killing animals. That would be why she perferred fruits, or plants or something. Animal killing was only something she'd do if she was on the verge of dying from starvation.

Female Number of posts : 4355
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Registration date : 2009-01-04

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The New Guy. - Page 3 Empty Re: The New Guy.

Post by Silver Fang Sat Aug 22, 2009 8:54 pm

Tien looks back at her. "There is an village not to far from here. What would you like to eat." He slowly descends to the earth below them. "We have to make this quick. Yofune might be flowing me." They were still close to an hundred feet in the air when he turned back to his human form then he fell all the way down with Relyk around his neck.
Silver Fang
Silver Fang

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The New Guy. - Page 3 Empty Re: The New Guy.

Post by Nyako-Chan Sun Aug 23, 2009 6:42 am

"Anything is fine," she answered, but then quickly added, "almost anything." She was about to ask him what he was going to do about landing, when he suddenly changed into his other form, possibly his original? and fell. She was holding on to his neck, and even though she trusted whatever the heck he was doing, falling from however high up in the air they were was not something she could calmly sit and enjoy. She would admit she was kind of scared of how they were landing, but she wasn't showing it or panicking or anything.

Female Number of posts : 4355
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Location : Alicante, Idris
Registration date : 2009-01-04

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The New Guy. - Page 3 Empty Re: The New Guy.

Post by Silver Fang Sun Aug 23, 2009 11:00 am

Tien lands roughly with one knee in the dirt and the other knee providing an seat for Relyk. He smiles at her. "That was fun right." He stands up and takes her hand and leads her into the village. "Now before you fell you where saying you would eat almost anything. So what is the almost part." He says going from shop to shop pulling Relyk behind him trying to see what was good enough for them to eat.
Silver Fang
Silver Fang

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The New Guy. - Page 3 Empty Re: The New Guy.

Post by Nyako-Chan Sun Aug 23, 2009 3:08 pm

She didn't actually need to respond when he asked if falling had been 'fun.' It was sort of exhilarating, sure, but it had also been slightly terrifying. "The almost part? Well, that would be meat. The elven blood in me detests meat strongly, although on the very rare occasion I could eat it. I prefer avoiding it if it can be helped."

Female Number of posts : 4355
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Location : Alicante, Idris
Registration date : 2009-01-04

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The New Guy. - Page 3 Empty Re: The New Guy.

Post by Silver Fang Sun Aug 23, 2009 3:30 pm

Tien looked at her. "Of course you don't eat meat." Tien keeps pulling Relyk throught the crowd. Then he stopped as the came to an fight in the middle of the town square. Where an huge man was thrashing an smaller younger man. The bigger man had scars all over his body an could surely kill the younger one at anytime. Tien puts his sword back in the sheath and walks out into the middle of the fight after the bigger man had just pulled the younger ones head back and chopped him in the throat. Tien had removed his robe and was now standing over the younger man with nothing but his silk pants on and ninja shoes on.
Silver Fang
Silver Fang

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The New Guy. - Page 3 Empty Re: The New Guy.

Post by Nyako-Chan Sun Aug 23, 2009 4:31 pm

She nodded as he said 'of course,' just going with it and letting him think whatever he wanted to think about it. She was curious when she saw the fight between the humans. Typical humans need their violence. Such a messed up race they were. They needed to fight to sort out their problems. And this would be why the elves preferred staying to themselves in the forest. She watched with some confusion as he stepped into the fight. This was kind of odd. She was sure people didn't normally do this.

Female Number of posts : 4355
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Location : Alicante, Idris
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The New Guy. - Page 3 Empty Re: The New Guy.

Post by Silver Fang Sun Aug 23, 2009 4:56 pm

Tien helped the young man up. "Go over to the nice women with the purple hood. We will talk after I handle this problem." Tien pointed to Relyk. They young boy statrted to hobble towards Relyk when the older man bum rushed for the boy as he got closer to Relyk. Tien looked at her and then the man. He holds up his hand signaling her not to move then right as this massive man was about to hit the young man and Relyk with an huge tackle. Tein's foot interfered dropping the man to his back. Tien stands over the man. "If you want an fight. Fight me." Tien takes an step back and gets into an fighting stance and start bouncing form side to side. He looks at Relyk. "Stay in my sight I don't trust this village anymore.
Silver Fang
Silver Fang

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