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The New Guy.

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The New Guy. - Page 10 Empty Re: The New Guy.

Post by Nyako-Chan Fri Nov 06, 2009 2:12 pm

She winced as she was tossed up, not sure what was about to happen, even though she trusted his actions. When she landed firmly on his neck, she just shook it off, watching as he continued with fighting this fake other one. Well, it was sort of better then being carried, so she supposed that had been necessary. "A bit of a warning next time, maybe?" she said with a raised brow, looking at him.

Female Number of posts : 4355
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Location : Alicante, Idris
Registration date : 2009-01-04

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The New Guy. - Page 10 Empty Re: The New Guy.

Post by Silver Fang Mon Nov 09, 2009 5:13 pm

Tien looked back and smirked, "I can't garuntee that because us dragons are movements are unpreditctable even to each other and I won't know his target until the last few seconds then I just have to act and that dosen't give me much time to warn." He smiles and then flies higher.
Silver Fang
Silver Fang

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The New Guy. - Page 10 Empty Re: The New Guy.

Post by Nyako-Chan Tue Nov 10, 2009 2:52 am

She kept from getting an annoyed face. Of course he didn't have time to warn, but it would still be ultimately annoying if every single time they were in battle that she was unexpectedly thrown or tossed about. That was annoying, but if it had to be done she couldn't exactly argue.

Female Number of posts : 4355
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Location : Alicante, Idris
Registration date : 2009-01-04

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The New Guy. - Page 10 Empty Re: The New Guy.

Post by Silver Fang Tue Nov 10, 2009 3:59 am

Tien looks back and notices her pondering face. "I have an idea." He says with an big smile. "I am about to toss you into the air again. Tell me if you can fell the muclse through out my body move before I toss you inot the air." He uses his neck to pop her in the air and then dives down and loops around and comes back into the falling Relyk he then snakes his neck right under her and flies off into the distance. "Does that work for you. It will give you the same few seconds I have to know where my opponet is attacking."
Silver Fang
Silver Fang

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The New Guy. - Page 10 Empty Re: The New Guy.

Post by Nyako-Chan Tue Nov 10, 2009 12:07 pm

Relyk prepared herself for him to launch her up, feeling the muscles below her tense as he tossed her up. Flying through the air was interesting. There wasn't another way to describe it without sounding stupid. Flying through the air and coming back down to land back on him. Landing was a little rough, and hopefully she'd grow accustomed to it, but other than that, this would work out. "It works, we'll go with this," she said.

Female Number of posts : 4355
Age : 29
Location : Alicante, Idris
Registration date : 2009-01-04

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The New Guy. - Page 10 Empty Re: The New Guy.

Post by Silver Fang Tue Nov 10, 2009 9:58 pm

Tien smiles and says, "I am glad that works for you." He dives down ward. "Now lets see how well your aim is when you ride bare back on an dragon." He smiles and takes off full speed. "Hold on espically when we are low to the ground if we are high up and you slip and let go I have to catch you but if we are near the ground kiss your ass good bye."
Silver Fang
Silver Fang

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The New Guy. - Page 10 Empty Re: The New Guy.

Post by Nyako-Chan Wed Nov 11, 2009 11:04 am

She made no remark to his statement about her pretty much having no luck if they were this close to the ground and she slipped off. She merely watched as the ground rushed below them, almost as if it were the ground moving them and not Tien, but naturally she knew better. She shook the silly idea from her head. Being out of the elven village had silly, almost foolish thoughts that made no sense come to her head. That was pretty annoying. It could just be the human heart in her wanting to dream while her elven mind thought not.

Female Number of posts : 4355
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Location : Alicante, Idris
Registration date : 2009-01-04

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The New Guy. - Page 10 Empty Re: The New Guy.

Post by Silver Fang Wed Nov 11, 2009 3:34 pm

Tien expands his wings letting the air fill them and bring him to an hault. "From now when you ride on my back try to get in between tow spikes so you don't have to hold on. I would by you an dragon saddle but that is sort of like an life time comitment." He smirks and says, "And we both now you aren't that attatched to me. Are you elf." His voice full of sacrasm and confidince. He had pretty much figured out the awnser to his question.
Silver Fang
Silver Fang

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The New Guy. - Page 10 Empty Re: The New Guy.

Post by Nyako-Chan Wed Nov 11, 2009 4:35 pm

She could hardly utter a response to this statement. True as it was it was still awkward to hear it so casually. Elves really took the relationship kind of thing seriously, and a dragon human whatever could joke? She didn't take offense, but she just wasn't used to hearing it so bluntly.

Female Number of posts : 4355
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Location : Alicante, Idris
Registration date : 2009-01-04

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The New Guy. - Page 10 Empty Re: The New Guy.

Post by Silver Fang Thu Nov 12, 2009 6:37 pm

He trotted through the woods with with Relyk on his back and just looked around waiting for an awnser he was sure she was gonna say no to or just keep ignoring it which also ment no. He smirked as an man came out of the woods and says, "You are man slayer." Tien assumed he was talking to him until an arrow flew out of the woods towards Relyk. Tien flapped his wing and smacked the arrow out of the air and says, "I have no idea what she has done but shoot another arrow at her and I will be the man slayer you will have to worry about." He expands his wings. "You can tell that to any and everybody else looking for her." Then Tien takes off.
Silver Fang
Silver Fang

Male Number of posts : 3421
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The New Guy. - Page 10 Empty Re: The New Guy.

Post by Nyako-Chan Fri Nov 13, 2009 3:22 am

Her face remained impassive as the arrow was shot. She had heard the string pulled back but she hadn't known who it was meant for, so she remained still. If she had moved and Tien had not, he might have been shot without her warning him. She didn't think the arrow would hit her since the sound came from an awkward angle, so she didn't have to worry. Just wait. Tien took care of the situation as she expected.

Female Number of posts : 4355
Age : 29
Location : Alicante, Idris
Registration date : 2009-01-04

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The New Guy. - Page 10 Empty Re: The New Guy.

Post by Silver Fang Fri Nov 13, 2009 7:37 pm

He soars into the sky and says, "Why do they call you man slayer. I only ask out of curiosty. If you don't want to tell me I am fine with that I was just asking." He flapped his wings some more just to get an little higer then he just hovered over the clouds. "I am only know as the man slayer because I am an dragon and that only is enough reason to call me an man slayer." He glide in the clouds so it looke as if Relyk was riding on the clouds an not him.
Silver Fang
Silver Fang

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The New Guy. - Page 10 Empty Re: The New Guy.

Post by Nyako-Chan Sat Nov 14, 2009 8:25 pm

Relyk watched the sky go by for a moment, delving through thoughts that she'd set aside. "Because," she started off slowly and quietly. "Because I slay men, as the title says. The humans. I kill them for hardly a reason, out of my amusement. That's why," she said, having no regrets or sadness about this fact. She enjoyed it, and she didn't care what was said or done about it. Humans. There were plenty of them. They wouldn't miss any if a couple dropped dead from her arrows.

Female Number of posts : 4355
Age : 29
Location : Alicante, Idris
Registration date : 2009-01-04

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The New Guy. - Page 10 Empty Re: The New Guy.

Post by Silver Fang Sun Nov 15, 2009 4:21 pm

Tien lands roughly on the ground and transforms droppoing her to the ground. He didn't care if she fell on her butt or on her feet. He walks way before truning around with an serious yet enraged look on his face. "It is thinking like that that got almost my whole race terminated." He was glaring not at Relyk but just glaring. This glare could have killed the most cold hearted of creatures. He shows an most devilish smile. "I guess no one is perfect no matter how stuborne one's race is." He plops down on the ground and whips out his sword and drives it into the ground. "We are all the same some may live longer then others and others may be twenty times stronger then others but we are just all ignorant and stubbrone as the next." An door in the ground revels it self. Tien lifts the huge door open and revels and underground tunnel that leads to some where.
Silver Fang
Silver Fang

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The New Guy. - Page 10 Empty Re: The New Guy.

Post by Nyako-Chan Mon Nov 16, 2009 3:23 am

She glared at him back as he dropped her to the ground without warning, his glare matching hers. She didn't care if it had almost gotten his race terminated, that was hi fault if he was mad about that. These were just humans. There were plenty more of them. When he lightened up on her though, she dropped the cold demeanor and accepted his forgiving, if that's what it was anyway. She wasn't as easily forgiving as he was, but she'd try to drop the dislike flaring up within. Not like she could help it, but she'd let it die like a candle. When he opened the door in the ground, she was mildly curious, still letting her anger steam off, she looked at the door. "What is that?" she asked, forcing her voice to hold no vengeance.

Female Number of posts : 4355
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Location : Alicante, Idris
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The New Guy. - Page 10 Empty Re: The New Guy.

Post by Silver Fang Mon Nov 16, 2009 5:00 pm

Tien had to catch himself form snapping back at her. "What you never seen an tunnel." He just walks into the darkness without saying an word. "Come on you don't wanna stay up there that isn't the door I am leaving out of." He dissappers into the darkness of the cave without lighitng an tourch.
Silver Fang
Silver Fang

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The New Guy. - Page 10 Empty Re: The New Guy.

Post by Nyako-Chan Tue Nov 17, 2009 3:05 am

She'd seen plenty of tunnels. The dwarves, the diggers, they had tunnels and mistakenly she'd fallen into one once. She didn't prefer them but they'd work. It had to anyway. She followed him him, though she didn't really want to, but seeing no other choice, there was only one thing to do.

Female Number of posts : 4355
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Location : Alicante, Idris
Registration date : 2009-01-04

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The New Guy. - Page 10 Empty Re: The New Guy.

Post by Silver Fang Wed Nov 18, 2009 6:31 pm

Tien's dragon's eyes saw through the dark and the only reason he didn't light an touch is because he was still mad at Relyk for he comment. She had the same mind set as Yofune and that is what turned him into the blood thiristy killer he was today. He then saw what he was looking for and opened an big heavy door and says, "Fianlly the opproutnity to use a true weapon."
Silver Fang
Silver Fang

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The New Guy. - Page 10 Empty Re: The New Guy.

Post by Nyako-Chan Thu Nov 19, 2009 3:16 am

She tried to follow where he went, but she hadn't quite adapted to the dark light yet. She could see enough to know where the walls where and not to bump into them or Tien, but she couldn't see anything else that was down here. Either there wasn't lighting or Tien didn't care to put it on.

Female Number of posts : 4355
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Location : Alicante, Idris
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The New Guy. - Page 10 Empty Re: The New Guy.

Post by Silver Fang Sun Nov 29, 2009 6:06 pm

Tien pulls out an weapon white as the light from sun itself. Tien smiles as it shine provided light for the whole room. "The StarLight banryuu. Or the Celstrial Fang." Tien lifte it into the air and spilts right down the side making two diffrent banryuu's. He smiles and walks by Relyk without as much glancing at her.
Silver Fang
Silver Fang

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The New Guy. - Page 10 Empty Re: The New Guy.

Post by Nyako-Chan Mon Nov 30, 2009 3:30 am

She mildly regarded him ignoring her, though she didn't mind and she did know why. Therefore caring was useless. Amending it was close to useless too, but she wasn't one for words and fixing junk unless it involved fighting. Fighting was fine, but if she had to convince someone with words, not like she couldn't silver-tongue someone, but she didn't care to. If they wanted to talk to her, then they would.

Female Number of posts : 4355
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Location : Alicante, Idris
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The New Guy. - Page 10 Empty Re: The New Guy.

Post by Silver Fang Mon Nov 30, 2009 4:07 am

Tien walks back out of the cave with his new weapons and opens the door he came through. He walks outside to the feild holding both weapns firmliy in his hands and tosses the huge weapons over his shoulder.
Silver Fang
Silver Fang

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The New Guy. - Page 10 Empty Re: The New Guy.

Post by Nyako-Chan Mon Nov 30, 2009 1:33 pm

She followed him out in silence, wondering, -almost caring, even- how long he'd be ignoring her. He'd probably make it rougher for her to ride or dismount, at least until he forgave her or something. She waited for him to say or do something.

Female Number of posts : 4355
Age : 29
Location : Alicante, Idris
Registration date : 2009-01-04

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The New Guy. - Page 10 Empty Re: The New Guy.

Post by Silver Fang Fri Dec 04, 2009 1:47 pm

Tien walks out of the room and up some stairs he points the blades at the celing. Then it split and stairs sprung form the floor to opening. Tien walks out of cave and on to burnt and touched land coverd in ash. Tien smiles and says, "We are at our destination. Yofune's land it shouldn't take him long to know we are here."
Silver Fang
Silver Fang

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The New Guy. - Page 10 Empty Re: The New Guy.

Post by Nyako-Chan Fri Dec 04, 2009 3:18 pm

"All right," she said, waiting for more to be said. Given more information she might be able to do something with it. Just the knowledge that this Yofune would know they were in his land wasn't enough to conduct any kind of plan. Not even a small one or foreshadowing of anything. She'd have to wait for something to happen or something to be said.

Female Number of posts : 4355
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Location : Alicante, Idris
Registration date : 2009-01-04

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The New Guy. - Page 10 Empty Re: The New Guy.

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