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The New Guy.

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The New Guy. - Page 5 Empty Re: The New Guy.

Post by Silver Fang Wed Sep 02, 2009 1:43 pm

Tien cuts his eyes back at Relyk. "Get on my back now." He dives down straight out of the sky in an spinning motion. "Hold on tight or learn how to fly." Raging red flames erupt over the clouds that use to be over them. Tien waiting to get inches from the ground pulls up his wings spread widely and him just hovering over the ground. "He is here keep an look for him we are coming up on my tower." He looks ahead and flies a as fast as he can.
Silver Fang
Silver Fang

Male Number of posts : 3421
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Registration date : 2009-04-18

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The New Guy. - Page 5 Empty Re: The New Guy.

Post by Nyako-Chan Wed Sep 02, 2009 1:53 pm

Relyk obeyed without a word. She didn't need to find out what would happen if this other dragon caught sight of her. She wondered why he couldn't just kill this other dragon if he was always giving him trouble. Maybe he didn't want to, or couldn't. Like the annoying human-weakness that didn't allow them to kill others for reasons not good enough.

Female Number of posts : 4355
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Location : Alicante, Idris
Registration date : 2009-01-04

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The New Guy. - Page 5 Empty Re: The New Guy.

Post by Silver Fang Wed Sep 02, 2009 2:01 pm

Tien flies right up to his castle and then he turned to face Yofune and sends Relyk sliding down his back into an small crack at the bottom of his tower. "Yofune make one more move and I will bring every star in this univrse crashing down on your head." Yofune stops and smirks. "You won't do that there are to many humans out her and you won't do anything to harm your presious humans." Tien returns the smirk. "Maybe my father got to me and I finally got tired of them holding me back and I could care less if they get killed. Plus even if that was the case look at his place there isn't an human with in miles." He growls at Youfne as his talons start to show.
Silver Fang
Silver Fang

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The New Guy. - Page 5 Empty Re: The New Guy.

Post by Nyako-Chan Wed Sep 02, 2009 2:06 pm

Relyk covered her mouth so she didn't gasp out in surprise as Tien dropped her down a crack at the bottom of the tower. She hadn't expected it, but she had let herself slide down, since she couldn't see it as unintentional. He never let her slip or fall off on accident, so she had to assume this was on purpose.

Female Number of posts : 4355
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Location : Alicante, Idris
Registration date : 2009-01-04

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The New Guy. - Page 5 Empty Re: The New Guy.

Post by Silver Fang Wed Sep 02, 2009 2:13 pm

Yofune glares at him and says, "One day it will be just me and you and I will finally wipe you form the surface of this earth." He opens his wings smacking Tien in the face. Tien snaps his wing and watches Yofune jump then he blew this amazing blue and orange flames at Yofune. Yofune takes off and disappers into the sky. Tein transforms and waks into the crack. He glares at Relyk as he heard an noise to his right. Then after he realized who it was he turns and places his sword on his back. Then he turns and walk out of the crack.
Silver Fang
Silver Fang

Male Number of posts : 3421
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The New Guy. - Page 5 Empty Re: The New Guy.

Post by Nyako-Chan Wed Sep 02, 2009 2:24 pm

She didn't know what he was glaring at her for, since she didn't do anything this time. He could possibly still be mad about her taking her time to enjoy killing the human back there, but they had already discussed that, so maybe not. She just sighed lightly. This was a rather complicated thing she'd gotten herself into, now wasn't it?

Female Number of posts : 4355
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The New Guy. - Page 5 Empty Re: The New Guy.

Post by Silver Fang Wed Sep 02, 2009 5:13 pm

Tien looks around. "We must keep going my home is no longer safe Yofune is getting more and more reckless and is having less regaurds for the elders." He turns back to Relyk. "There is only one safe place for us now and I really don't want to take you to my mothers home." He looks at her and says, "I didn't mean to glare at you I lost my focus and didn't realize where you were and you caght me off guard when you came out of the shadow like that." He then turns and says, "We will be riding for some time."
Silver Fang
Silver Fang

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The New Guy. - Page 5 Empty Re: The New Guy.

Post by Nyako-Chan Thu Sep 03, 2009 2:24 pm

She just shrugged as she accepted his explanation. "Okay, fine by me," she answered when he said they'd be riding for a while. She didn't mind flight too much anymore. Not as much as in the beginning anyways. "Can't you just kill him so he isn't an obstacle or a problem?" she asked him, since he could possibly be stronger or not than this Yofune dragon.

Female Number of posts : 4355
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Location : Alicante, Idris
Registration date : 2009-01-04

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The New Guy. - Page 5 Empty Re: The New Guy.

Post by Silver Fang Thu Sep 03, 2009 2:58 pm

Tien looks at Relyk and transforms. "Get on." He lowered his neck and then he waits for Relyk to get on his back. When she climded on his neck he lifts his head and slides her down to his back. Then he looks at her and lower his head and says, "Climb to the top of my neck." When she did so he spread his wings and takes off. "My mothers tower is the safest place around no dragon would ever cross her other than my father and that is just because he is an arogant and cocky one." He soars into the sky. This is going to take an while and I forgot to get you more clothes for night. It is freezing this high in the sky at night.
Silver Fang
Silver Fang

Male Number of posts : 3421
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Registration date : 2009-04-18

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The New Guy. - Page 5 Empty Re: The New Guy.

Post by Nyako-Chan Fri Sep 04, 2009 8:56 am

She climbed on silently, seething, sort of. She did follow his instructions, but not happily. She shrugged when he said he forgot to get warmer clothes for the night. She wasn't cold right now, so she didn't really care at the moment. She'd probably care when she got cold, but since she wasn't right now, then she said nothing about it.

Female Number of posts : 4355
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Location : Alicante, Idris
Registration date : 2009-01-04

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The New Guy. - Page 5 Empty Re: The New Guy.

Post by Silver Fang Fri Sep 04, 2009 3:02 pm

Tien looked back at an silent Relyk. "You wish for me to kill Yofune don't you." He was no longer glaring but just staring off into the distance. "My parnets have inforced the creed even though now as it falls apart they still want me to fall and uphold the creed." He flaps his huge wings twice. "Trust me if I had diffrent parnets you would be free by now and Yofune would be dead." His face frowned and he took off higher into the sky soaring above the clouds he looks at Relyk and says, "Go ahead and touch the clouds they are mosit and cool."
Silver Fang
Silver Fang

Male Number of posts : 3421
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The New Guy. - Page 5 Empty Re: The New Guy.

Post by Nyako-Chan Sat Sep 05, 2009 11:25 am

"At least your parents are still around for you," she said, sighing. Well, technically she did leave hers, sort of. They left her, she left them, whatever. She stretched out her hand slightly, her finger tips skimming the clouds. She'd never been this high in her life to be able to do this. Always had the clouds looked fluffy and kind from a distance.

Female Number of posts : 4355
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Location : Alicante, Idris
Registration date : 2009-01-04

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The New Guy. - Page 5 Empty Re: The New Guy.

Post by Silver Fang Sat Sep 05, 2009 9:32 pm

Tien just hovered over them and let Relyk touch them. "They aren't around. They just make sure I don't break the precious Creed. So they do what they can to help as long as I don't break the creed." He pulled away form the clouds his eyes changing colors. They went from blue with an orange outside to orange with an blue outside. He looks back as the sun lowered. "Climb higher on my neck that way my warm breath can keep you cool while the temperature drops." He looks around we still have about another hour before we get there.
Silver Fang
Silver Fang

Male Number of posts : 3421
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Registration date : 2009-04-18

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The New Guy. - Page 5 Empty Re: The New Guy.

Post by Nyako-Chan Sun Sep 06, 2009 9:04 am

Relyk was slightly disappointing that they were leaving the fluffy white clouds, but she understood well enough that it was necessary and that they could not malinger for too long there. As she climbed on to his neck, she did feel warmer. His breath was defrosting her skin that she hadn't realized had gone so cold.

Female Number of posts : 4355
Age : 29
Location : Alicante, Idris
Registration date : 2009-01-04

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The New Guy. - Page 5 Empty Re: The New Guy.

Post by Silver Fang Sun Sep 06, 2009 12:49 pm

Another hour or two passed and Tein shakes his neck a little to let Relyk know to sit up. "That is the her tower. The Creed's tower." He rolled his eyes as he gentaly landed on the side of the tower and transformed. "Here I do as I wish other dragon's know not to mess with me. "He palced the orange and blue swoard on his back. He takes the seath and draws form the side of it an long blue leather thread. "Don't move." He reaches around Relyk's waist and tied it to her side.
Silver Fang
Silver Fang

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The New Guy. - Page 5 Empty Re: The New Guy.

Post by Nyako-Chan Sun Sep 06, 2009 2:43 pm

She didn't like him getting to close to her body, but she allowed it. Not like she could have done anything about it anyways. She looked at the sword strapped to her side now, examining it, only half caring. She didn't care, to be completely honest, but it was sort of a curiosity piquing thing. It was some what interesting, yes, but not captivating to her. She just accepted it.

Female Number of posts : 4355
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Location : Alicante, Idris
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The New Guy. - Page 5 Empty Re: The New Guy.

Post by Silver Fang Sun Sep 06, 2009 4:53 pm

Tien says, "Follow me." He then starts up the stairs and get to the top of the tower about seven great floors above them. There sat an huge orange dragon. Her eyes red as the rubies that surronded an kings crown. She glared down at Tien and Relyk. "Who is this that you bring into my home?" Tien quickly growls back. "My business and not yours." Other dragons in the room huffed fire Tien pulls Relyk in close as the flames consumed the rest of the floor aound them. Tien transformed back into his dragon form his large dark blue and white scales filled the room with flames as they reflected off of him like it nothing. He glares at his mother tell you gaurds to leave or I will break the creed. Whispers go around the room. They were scilenced as the great orange dragon lift its paw and dismissed them. Tien closed his wings and transformed back his wings had pulled Relyk closer when he closed them. So when he transformed back Relyk was less than an inch form him.
Silver Fang
Silver Fang

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The New Guy. - Page 5 Empty Re: The New Guy.

Post by Nyako-Chan Sun Sep 06, 2009 5:41 pm

Relyk stayed quiet through the whole spectacle of going through the room of dragons. Nothing could be said at this point, and it was probably a really, really good idea not to say a word. Even breathing too loud sounded terribly, frighteningly dangerous. When he transformed back and was too close for her liking, she stepped back slightly, just enough so it wasn't too uncomfortable for her, but she was still safe.

Female Number of posts : 4355
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The New Guy. - Page 5 Empty Re: The New Guy.

Post by Silver Fang Sun Sep 06, 2009 5:55 pm

Tien glared at his mother. "I have upheld your creed and do you know..." Tien's mother cuts him off. "An beautiful half elf half human following you around an angry Yofune ready to kill you and an hatred towards your parents that shouldn't be there." Her voice was calm and suddle. "Me an your father are calling an end to the creed. We can no longer up hold it and we hate that look of hatred we get form our own child even after giving you the dragon's weapons so that you could protcect yourself in your human form." Tien was stunned. His mother smiles and says, "Yes it is true you no longer need to follow the creed. Your father and I have realized how silly the creed is." She then looked at Relyk. "Please protect him he gets an little careless form time to time."
Silver Fang
Silver Fang

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The New Guy. - Page 5 Empty Re: The New Guy.

Post by Nyako-Chan Sun Sep 06, 2009 6:10 pm

Relyk wasn't exactly sure what was going on between the dragons, since it wasn't her fight at all, but she could get the gist of it. She nodded as his mother addressed him. "Yes, Lady Dragon, I shall," she said, inclining her head slightly. Even that from an elf was something amazing to receive.

Female Number of posts : 4355
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The New Guy. - Page 5 Empty Re: The New Guy.

Post by Silver Fang Sun Sep 06, 2009 6:27 pm

Tien face went form shocked to serious. "Mother." He says with an serouis and reliving sigh. "You do know that my first order of businesse with the creed gone is to end that wrecthed Yofune." His mother looks at him. "Their is bad news my soon." Yofune is a lot more powerful then we have lead you to belive." Tien face flashed with rage. He turned and left the room before his mother could say anything else.
Silver Fang
Silver Fang

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The New Guy. - Page 5 Empty Re: The New Guy.

Post by Nyako-Chan Mon Sep 07, 2009 7:54 am

Relyk was unsure whether to follow him or remain as she was. She didn't have a place here. Her place was originally on the ground, not associating with dragons and getting tied up in their affairs. She remained in her place, watching the other dragons, pondering her own matters. When was she going to be getting out of this?

Female Number of posts : 4355
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Location : Alicante, Idris
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The New Guy. - Page 5 Empty Re: The New Guy.

Post by Silver Fang Mon Sep 07, 2009 11:20 am

Tien didn't go far. He just lef the chamber and sits on the side of the tower with his feet dangling over the edge. He looked into the night sky. He pulled the sword off of his back and slowly moved his fingers across it back and forth. Tien's mother looks at Relyk. "Little step foward there must be some gud in you if my son gave you dragons seath." She looked at the door to se if Tien was coming back. "See the truth is little one. Is that we have contiually lied and forced himt to follow the creed scince he was little. This caused him an lot of pain and even laid alot of his powers and strenght now lays dormint in side of him. Where he stopped others kept going and it our fault." Tien's mother taked an deep breath and says, "I only tell you this because I want you to wacth his back and make sure he come back to me." His mother lets out an big sigh and says, "I only ask that you help him where he needs it and watch after my only child." And with that Tien's mother spread her wings wide and closes them and then leaves the room.
Silver Fang
Silver Fang

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The New Guy. - Page 5 Empty Re: The New Guy.

Post by Nyako-Chan Mon Sep 07, 2009 3:26 pm

Relyk listened to his mother's words, and she reluctantly agreed in her mind. Well, more like half-agreed. Such was her nature. Sure, elves were fantastic at keeping promises and holding tight to vows, but this wasn't the sort of vow or promise that she'd hold to until her last breath. The ones given by elder elves were taken much more seriously. Still, she'd do what she could to assist Tien when he needed the help. She didn't think she'd die for him if the time came, but she'd do what she was able to when necessary.

Female Number of posts : 4355
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The New Guy. - Page 5 Empty Re: The New Guy.

Post by Silver Fang Mon Sep 07, 2009 6:38 pm

Tien just sat and looked into the night even as the sun came up he had heard every word his mother had said. He just sat on the edge of the tower and waited for Relyk to come out. He was not expecting her to agree to the arrangement she was fleeing to saftey when she fell on him. Tien felt that even though he saved her life he did not wish to recurit her into his battle, his war, his fight. Glared behind him as he heard foot steps approching.
Silver Fang
Silver Fang

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The New Guy. - Page 5 Empty Re: The New Guy.

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